“Bear Heart is the epitome of an authentic life aligned with purpose. I worked with him at two Wild Brothers weekends and feel very fortunate to have done so. He is an expert at holding space and fostering deep learning, connecting, releasing and integrating. Bear Heart is truly one of kind — it is extremely rare to find someone like him who is so strongly rooted in the masculine while being completely heart centered and open. My experience with Bear Heart helped me open blockages and find my voice, which I was so desperately seeking.”
— A.I.
“Brothers you are seen. Brothers you are heard. I felt an authenticity in Bear Heart that allowed my experience in Wild Brothers to settle into a deep sense of trust early on, and this gave my analytical mind permission to just rest, and for my heart wisdom to come stronger forward. Wild Brothers restored my cellular understanding of the importance of brotherhood, and in deeply intuitively feeling that inherent nature of tribe; that playfulness, healing, camaraderie, and supportive strength, that I as a man have always craved with my brothers. Bear Heart stressed that we cannot do anything wrong here, and to never hold back our laughter. I felt incredibly safe to release the residue of fears and self-doubts that had accumulated over a lifetime, and Bear Heart skillfully gave me tools to navigate these areas where shadow energy was bottled up, stored away and forgotten, to open up and release these blocks, and to clear my channels for energy to flow more freely again. This “direct experience” has been so key for me. I’m still processing to greater depths. I love you Brother! Thank you SOul much.”
— Raven Dancer
“It is with great privilege and honor that I get to share my personal experience with La Forza Sagrada! From the moment brother Daniel and brother Bearheart picked me up from the airport, they greeted me with such sincere love and respect..it was already such a healing experience!
Throughout our time together, I felt like they both held such impeccable space for us all to come together and just BE exactly who we each needed to be in order to work through our own transformative processes and it was truly one of the most impactful experiences of my life!
I was able to finally set down my “baggage” and feel what it means to finally fly free among the birdies and the trees!! The main reason for me feeling this way was because of how incredibly safe and respected both Brother Daniel and brother Bear Heart treated me and everyone who was there.
On top of them being so incredibly transparent and trustworthy, they also were amazing, logistically as well! Everything was so well put in place and fell right into place as a result! It was such an immense joy to not only be in their divine presence but also be among the other participants, too! The curation of the circle was seamless and the bonds between souls, timeless and everlasting. In perfect harmony with everyone, and the elements. What a true gift!!
Thank you SOO much my dearly beloved brothers, Daniel and Bearheart!! This beautiful world is SOOO incredibly BLESSED by having you two in it!!! Thank you SOO much for embodying SO brilliantly, this essential work!!! My hat goes off to you both!!!