It is time.
We come as loving, humble students to Learn, Heal & Explore through the study and Mastery of Meditation, Movement & Medicine.
La Forza Sagrada (The Sacred Force) is a journey that brings tribe together.
When we train together we stay together.
A journey that brings us to our edge mentally, physically, emotionally & spiritually to break through blocks or patterns that are the deepest & most challenging to break.
Welcome Family.
You are being called home.
“La Forza Sagrada” or “The Sacred Force” is Spirit’s call for us to remember who we truly are and why we came back to this beautiful reality. Our sacred organization is here for us as sovereign sons and daughters, Kings and Queens of Mother Earth and Father Sky, to become whole in mind, body, soul and community.
A place where we can truly be safe to grow in Spirit with trust, love and deep strength. A family where we truly have a voice to express our deepest truth and be heard deeply.
We become the loving, compassionate, authentic, raw, sensitive, and brave souls that we are meant to be.
Capable to have a family and a tribe, AND ALSO to actually protect them.
Our number ONE mission
Our number ONE mission is to create a world where all space is sacred and safe where ALL women and children (our portals and future) are truly protected from all trauma and abuse for a minimum of THREE generations.
Where those of LFS can heal, learn, train to go from predators/prey to true protectors, fully expressed in our fire, water, earth and air to never allow harm to come to our beloveds wether it be our queens, children, plants, animals and everything sacred. We as sons, daughters and others of LFS train in mind, body and soul, capable to connect to Spirit/Source while at the same time becoming very proficient in all of our intuitive capabilities.
We additionally connect back to deep nature, our ancestors and our deepest Heart. “The Sacred Force is in all of our hearts” Spirit says. And all we have to do is whisper it to ourselves and we will truly activate our loving protector inside. It is our time, no more taking, raping, or conquering anything. We don’t train and fight for flags, ethnic backgrounds, borders, politicians or the financial elite. We train diligently mind, body and heart for our mothers, children, loved ones, clans, tribe and everything sacred. Find your call, find your purpose and find your true family. We are here to embrace you and train like never before to be Wild and Free Unapologetically.
Are you ready?
Every quarter we will be having very intimate overnight tribal training for our families to attend held either at Casa Del Corazon in Julian Ca, in deep nature in Southern CA and/or at other points of light for our tribe.
Every last Sunday of the month 6pm pst we will be having our LFS zoom digital ceremony calls to stay connected, be heard, be creative, and continually making this movement move. We need you, want you, and appreciate you just the way you are, as you are ready to learn, grow and shine.
Twice a year vision quests will be held as well to go even deeper in our own processes and community strengthening.
Sacred donation dues are between $300-$1000 a month to help support all that will be going into the trainings, vision quests, monthly check-ins, and support for any members who are in true need of assistance.
We look Forward to growing this family far and wide, focused with excitement and in deep trust.
From our wild hearts to yours,
• Get in best shape of our life.
• Understand healthy living vs diets.
• Clear all the things that don’t serve you:
physically, mentally, energetically and emotionally.
• Shadow work: understanding & facing our inner child, youth and adult wounds.
• Learn effective methods, tool & ways to practice LFS that are fun & efficient in your daily life.
• Grow in mind, body & soul
• Remember our human capabilities
• Help others in need
• Reprogram old patterns, toxic patterns, addictions & vices.
•The Details•
• Shamanic journeying (travel into different mental worlds and learn, bring back valuable information to help you understand more here in the 3D :))
• Soul work/Deep shadow work/trauma clearing
• Psychic Activation (remember our intuitive abilities and utilize them)
• Many effective breathing exercises (Great for depression, anxiety, migraines, health, pain, confusion, busy mind, altered states of consciousness for learning and many more uses: vibration/sound/ spells/ music (creativity flows once you open your channel)
• Psycho Spiritual Defense (block and transmute negative energy and protect your own life force)
• Chi Gong (Movement and generation of our own life force/energy)
• Primal Movement (remember how our bodies can move and should move for maximum capability)
• Animal Movement/ Pack Movement (remember the animal within, be it butterfly, wolf, hawk or snake and many many more :)
• Elemental movement (Air, Water, Earth and Fire - connect to the flow )
• Free flow full expression (The Art of Movement)
• REAL Life self defense and offense (actual real life experience)
• Functional Martial Arts & Effective Combat Techniques (Hand to hand combat, weapons training and improvisation)
***The real deal what you need to know against a Human or animal predator. Not for the faint of heart, but if you really want to be trained and tested for real combat, real life scenarios I will happily Train with you & make sure you are truly capable. No belts in my system. Become the most capable to Love and also defend love & freedom against a force or energy that is trying to manipulate or produce harm.***
• Drum Medicine
• Plant and animal teachings/healings
• Earth Medicine and Spirit Teachers
• Old Shamanic healing
• Develop personal relations with the energies (start the introduction)
• Primal Roar
• Remembering YOU are the medicine and ALL around is also the medicine here for us… if we SEEit.
• Remember the Medicine Man/Woman within. Embrace and reawaken your relationship with your Inner Fire and thrive with Nature to fully Reconnect.
What is included?
Quarterly Sacred Training! 4x/year, in-person, optional over-night training at Casa Del Corazón in Julian, CA. This is open to ALL TRIBE, children-friendly! (VALUE - $1,100/ month)
1 Zoom Digital Ceremony/month for touch in & SoulCoaching, every last Sunday of the month, 6PM, PST (VALUE - $555/month)
Summer & Winter Equinox Vision Quests (2x a year), located in Warner Springs, CA on 25,000acres of wild land! (VALUE - $4,400)
TOTAL VALUE - $24,200/year
ACTUAL Investment in self & TRIBE:
$300-$1000/month = $3,600- $12,000/year
You get to choose the price point that YOU CAN and are WILLING to offer in support of this Sacred Work.
Let’s live in integrity & in our heart space.
Let’s Stay ready so we don’t have to get ready.
Are YOU ready to express & find your inner wild, your inner fire? To remember your inner fire for yourself please apply below.